Korman Tadpole PlayVenture


Open daily (weather dependent)

In a day and age when kids and families are spending more screen time than outdoor time, the Korman PlayVenture is an outdoor space your kids won’t be able to pass up!

Kids will be able to climb through a spider web, crawl through animal burrows and engage in imaginative play throughout the area. Native flowers and trees provide shady spots and smaller pockets for kids to have quiet areas to play in while parents can still easily keep an eye on all the activity from the comfort of benches.

We want everyone to be safe, so we ask that the following rules be followed.

  • Children must be directly supervised at all times.
  • No rough play or inappropriate use of equipment is permitted.
  • No lanyards, drawstrings, scarves or neckwear may be worn.

The PlayVentures are located west of the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery, and just south of the Main Picnic Grove.


[ Rissman PlayVenture ]