Breakfast with Your Favorite Animal

All Year Round: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays

Enjoy a delicious breakfast at the best spot in town — the habitat of your favorite animal!

Dates Available

Now booking indoor and outdoor Breakfasts

During this 90-minute experience, you’ll spend the morning at the animal habitat of your choosing — from giraffes to butterflies to gorillas and more. You’ll also learn about your favorite animal from their care team.

• There will be no direct animal contact (except for Breakfast with the Giraffes or Butterflies)
Groups limited to five participants
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult
• Children must be at least 5 years old to participate in Breakfast with the Butterflies
Outdoor breakfasts will be offered May to September. Indoor breakfasts are available year-round
• Dates are subject to availability

For more information, contact us.

Sip on beverages and save wildlife at Summer Sips, presented by KeyBank!
Plus, groups of 4 or more receive $5 off per ticket! 
Ride on the wild side at Bike Safari
Aug. 1 | 6 - 9 p.m.
Introducing Discovery Trails
An immersive, 7-acre experience coming to the Detroit Zoo
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