Photo Policy


Film/Video/Photos for Non-Commercial Purposes:

Film, video and still photography are permitted for personal non-commercial use. If photos are for non-commercial purposes, you may come to the Detroit Zoo as a regular visitor (admission and parking fees will apply; please see our website for current hours and prices, and take your photos provided all the following apply:

1. Photos cannot be sold or published.
2. The number of people involved in the shoot is fewer than 10.
3. No tripods or monopods are allowed in any indoor buildings or are allowed to block outdoor visitor pathways.
4. The party is not permitted to stop Zoo traffic in order to take the photos.
5. The party is not permitted to disrupt Zoo visitors, staff or the animals in any way.
6. Photos must be taken during regular Zoo hours.
7. No special consideration shall be given (e.g., golf carts, security, etc.).

Film/Video/Photos for Commercial Purposes:

For all film, video and still photography produced on Detroit Zoo grounds for commercial purposes, a written agreement must be entered into with the Detroit Zoological Society (DZS) and a fee paid per the current fee guidelines. Two weeks advance notice is required.

Fee Guidelines:

Fees are determined by a variety of factors, including but not limited to, the nature and purpose of the project, its intended market, its potential promotional value to the Zoo, time of day, time of year, displacement of other revenue-generating events (catering, overnights, etc), disruption to exhibits and guests, access to behind-the-scenes areas, the impact of the production upon staff and animal care, length of stay and the extent to which the Zoo is required to support the project. Following are some general fee guidelines, subject to discussion and mutual agreement.

$300 per photo for photos taken at the Detroit Zoo that are to be sold to an outside source, printed for use in a publication, or used in marketing, promotional and published materials, or retail merchandise and products
$500 for every two hours of shooting for commercial film/video/photo shoots (Additional fees may apply for setup and cleanup as well as golf carts and security.)
$1,500 for every two hours of shooting for commercial film/video/photo shoots involving animals and zookeepers or other staff
$2,000 per day (8 hours) for commercial film/video/photo shoots that do not involve animals and zookeepers or other staff
$6,000 per day (8 hours) for commercial film/video/photo shoots involving animals and zookeepers or other staff

It is strictly forbidden to use images taken at the Detroit Zoo or of the Detroit Zoo logo without a written agreement and payment of the required fee for commercial activities, which include but are not limited to marketing, promotional and published materials, or retail merchandise and products.

General Rules:

1. A tripod or monopod is not permitted for film, video and still photography for non-commercial use in any of the indoor buildings during posted Zoo hours. Tripods may be used outdoors as long as they do not block any walkways or interfere with visitor traffic.
2. Flash photography is permitted during posted Zoo hours.
3. No power or electrical hookups will be provided by the DZS for the purpose of film, video and still photography.
4. The safety of Zoo visitors and animals is of the utmost importance. Film, video and still photography for commercial and non-commercial use will not be permitted if it disrupts visitors’ use and enjoyment of the DZS facilities during posted public hours.
5. Film, video and still photography for commercial and non-commercial use will not be permitted if it disrupts the animals in any way. Loud noises, certain lights/equipment or sudden movements may disturb the animals. All such things must be approved in advance to ensure animal safety.
6. The DZS reserves the right to refuse permission for commercial or non-commercial film, video and still photography that is determined to not be in the best interests of the DZS.
7. Commercial and non-commercial photos taken at the Detroit Zoo cannot depict the DZS in a negative light, nor should it have any association with organizations that are inconsistent with our mission of “Celebrating and Saving Wildlife and Wild Places”, such as hunting organizations, circuses that use exotic animals, fur manufacturers, etc.
8. No vehicles are allowed in the park unless chaperoned by a Zoo representative. If an escort and a golf cart are needed, one golf cart may be used with a DZS driver. All equipment and/or people involved in the shoot should try to fit on a four-person golf cart or walk to their destination.
9. If personal photos taken at the Zoo are to be sold to an outside source or are to be printed for use in a publication or on a Web site, a photography charge of $300.00 per photo is applied and a contract agreement stating the intended use must be signed prior to the event date. The prints cannot be sold or used in publications or on Web sites that do not support the DZS’s mission of “Celebrating and Saving Wildlife and Wild Places”. For example, the publication, Web site or outside source cannot support or depict organizations such as circuses that use exotic animals, hunters, or fur manufacturers, etc. If a caption is to be used with the photo, the caption must be faxed or emailed to the Communications Director for approval and proper photo credit should be applied.
10. Photos must be clearly marked with owner’s name. Sales of photographs or merchandise/promotions in conjunction with photographs cannot use the Zoo’s brand or name as a promotional selling device.
11. A 50% deposit is due at signing and the remaining portion is due prior to the scheduled photography shoot. All checks should be made payable to the Detroit Zoological Society.

To Schedule a Shoot: If you comply with these rules and would like to schedule a photo shoot or use existing photographs for commercial purposes or publication, follow the procedures outlined below. Submit your request in writing at least two weeks in advance of the shoot date to Communications Director Jeff Sell.

1. Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
2. Explain where, when, and how the photos will be used (give names of programs, publications, etc.).
3. Indicate how many people will be coming.
4. Indicate how much time is needed for the shoot.
5. Indicate any special equipment needed.
6. Indicate what area of the Zoo in which you would like to shoot (e.g., Butterfly Garden, or in front of the lion habitat, etc.).
7. List any other details that are important to the shoot.
8. Email the information to

To Use Existing Photos for Commercial Purposes:

1. Submit in writing an explanation of how and where the photo(s) will be used (give names of programs, websites, publications, etc.) to Communications Director Jeff Sell.
2. Include your name, address, phone number and email address.
3. Email the information to
4. Your request will be reviewed and you will be contacted within 10 business days. If your request is approved, a contract will be signed by the parties and the fee will be due.

The DZS reserves the right to cancel any shoot at any time if it is not in the best interest of Zoo animals or visitors or is contrary to the Zoo’s mission.

Sip on beverages and save wildlife at Summer Sips, presented by KeyBank!
Plus, groups of 4 or more receive $5 off per ticket! 
Ride on the wild side at Bike Safari
Aug. 1 | 6 - 9 p.m.
Introducing Discovery Trails
An immersive, 7-acre experience coming to the Detroit Zoo
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