Archive: Detroit Zoological Society to Host Salvation Army Drive

Clothing and household goods accepted March 19-20

March 10, 2016

ROYAL OAK, Mich., 

The Detroit Zoological Society and The Salvation Army will conduct a donation drive to collect clothing and household goods March 19 and 20, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Detroit Zoo.

Donors can drop off used but usable clothing and household goods at The Salvation Army truck in the front parking lot beneath the landmark water tower. Contributions to the drive can be made without entering the Detroit Zoo; however, regular admission and parking fees apply for those visiting the Zoo.

Donations to The Salvation Army’s Thrift Stores generate total funding for the organization’s Southeast Michigan Adult Rehabilitation Center’s 180-day residential rehabilitation program for adults. The program provides food, shelter, education and counseling services to those re-establishing their lives free from alcohol and chemical dependencies. Visit or call (866) GIVE-TOO for further information.
