Terms of Use

The Detroit Zoological Society logo and the names/logos of the Detroit Zoo, Detroit Zoological Park, and Belle Isle Nature Center are trademarks and/or servicemarks of the Detroit Zoological Society. We remind you that this site and its contents are protected by US and international copyright laws, and we ask you to agree to limit use of the content contained in the Detroit Zoological Society web site to personal, non-commercial use; and not to distribute or transmit the content to anyone else. Law prohibits use of any text or images from this site without express permission. Feel free to link your website to our home page. Any “Detroit Zoo” web sites not maintained by the Detroit Zoological Society must include a header indicating that they are “not supported or maintained by the Detroit Zoological Society and may contain outdated or inaccurate information.”
The Detroit Zoological Society reserves the right to add, change, modify, delete or otherwise update the Detroit Zoological Society website at any time, including those actions which make the Detroit Zoological Society website unavailable for use. In no way will the Detroit Zoological Society be held liable for incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information contained in any of the associated pages. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DISCRETION! The user hereby agrees that it will well and truly indemnify and save harmless the Detroit Zoological Society from all manners of suit, actions, damages, charges and expenses, including attorney and counsel fees related to any use, action or inaction on the part of the user, related to or stemming from use of or lack of use of the Detroit Zoological Society website.


  • No refunds/exchanges
  • One admission/show/ride per ticket
  • Not responsible for lost/stolen tickets
  • Admission tickets not valid for special events


  • Memberships ordered online become effective immediately, and your email confirmation serves as your temporary card granting you free admission and parking to the Zoo. Please print your confirmation receipt at the end of your transaction
  • Membership Gift Certificates will begin the day that the recipient redeems it and expires one year from that date.
  • Allow a minimum of three to seven days for processing memberships purchased online, and a minimum of two weeks for memberships purchased by mail.
  • One cardholder listed on the membership must be present any time the membership is used for admission to the Zoo.
  • Zoo memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • The Detroit Zoo reserves the right to revoke a membership if appropriate conduct has been violated.


  • I give the Detroit Zoological Society permission to administer basic first aid (i.e. bandage, icepack) to the above participant. The Detroit Zoological Society does not dispense medications, including pain relievers. In case of illness or injury to my child, I give consent to the Detroit Zoological Society to seek medical attention for the above participant, and I hereby authorize any treatment deemed necessary. I understand that I will be responsible for any associated costs. Special arrangements can be made for administration of medications to a child with signed permission from a parent. I understand that my child is allowed to carry emergency medications (inhalers, epinephrine injectors) with signed parent permission.
  • I give the Detroit Zoological Society or its agents permission to take photos, audio recordings and/or video of the above participant and to use said media taken of the above participant for promotional efforts, and I waive any right to compensation for such use.



Sip on beverages and save wildlife at Summer Sips, presented by KeyBank!
Plus, groups of 4 or more receive $5 off per ticket! 
Ride on the wild side at Bike Safari
Aug. 1 | 6 - 9 p.m.
Introducing Discovery Trails
An immersive, 7-acre experience coming to the Detroit Zoo
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429 Too Many Requests
